Pioneer Crew 556
Our Pioneer Crew 556 is the Youth Shooting Sports Discipline at Pioneer Sportsmen Inc.
Currently we are a 4-H Shooting Sports club program. We teach basic safety training, marksmanship, training and promote the youth to be a competitive shooter.
We will provide everything to get them started.
A lot of our shooting is geared towards high school and Jr. high school level youth using handguns,
but rifle and shotgun are part of our program as well. The 4-H Shooting Sports Program allows young people
ages 8-18 to participate. Note the youth must be mentally and physically capable of understanding and following
basic safety rules and procedures, as well as the equipment.
They must have a Safety Minded Attitude!
Pioneer Crew 556 focus on .22LR and 9mm with both 20 and 12 gauge shotguns. We travel to other clubs to participate and compete as the Youth decide.
Since we have a limited capacity of positions, we must have interested parties email us to be put on the Waitlist.
Folks will then be invited to our new member Orientation and Safety Briefing Session. All prospective new youth members must be brought by their parent or legal guardian who also must attend the Orientation and
Safety session, which includes signing of Waivers, Permission Slips etc. followed by a brief shooting experience session. If the youth show the proper level of maturity and safety minded attitude we go over the
enrollment process.
Pioneer Crew 556 meets GENERALLY every Thursday
HOWEVER, all interested new member families must come to
the Orientation and Safety session first before they can participate.
Remember we have a cap on our membership, so you must get on the waitlist to be invited.
Contact us: