Join us every Tuesday at 6pm for our indoor winter practices continuing into April.

We are all volunteers, so help setting up our monthly IDPA matches the day before the match is welcomed and appreciated. 

     Over the years Pioneer Sportsmen has provided the venue for such prestigious events as the New England Regional IDPA Championships and the NH State IDPA Championships (LFOD). These events have proven time and again to be the high point of summer season with participants attending from many different states and foreign countries. You will frequently see world-class shooters being hard pressed by some of our own club members and superb regional shooters, and you’ll get to see what proficiency with a pistol or revolver is all about. At the same time, you will see all of our competitors adhering to the highest standards of safe gun handling, as opposed to the "Hollywood version" of gun handling. 

     At Pioneer Sportsmen we are proud to continue to host a very active Action Shooting program featuring monthly IDPA matches held the 3rd Saturday of April through October (weather permitting). At each of our scheduled matches everyone is welcome, from the beginning shooter, who will benefit from our free "safety orientation session", to the experienced shooters from any of the handgun sports.

     In addition to our matches Pioneer has nationally recognized instructors on-site who regularly schedule a diverse range of classes offered to shooters when further levels of training are desired. Classes cover subjects such as NRA Basic Handgun familiarization, Introduction to IDPA, Steel Challenge, and low light/no light shooting techniques along with concealed carry styles and options. Our website contains links to both our instructor’s contact info along with information on how to get in touch with affordable and knowledgeable equipment providers.

     Please Remember: You do NOT have to be a member of Pioneer Sportsmen in order to participate in the Pioneer IDPA program. Also be aware that Appendix holsters are not allowed to be used in IDPA matches at Pioneer.

     For more information contact:

     Discipline Chair - Michael Johns / CRSO / Director  603-703-1837

     Co-Chair - David Bell

     Co-Chair - Paul Boucher / Alternate Director

     Co-Chair - Jim Chakuroff

      Co-Chair - Phil Chase / Director

      Co-Chair - Ken McLaughlin

      Co-Chair - Kevin Meehan


Recent match results are available on this website and/or Practiscore