Range Rules
Pioneer Sportsmen, Inc.
PO Box 403
Concord, NH 03302-0403
Adopted April 20, 2015
Updated September 19, 2022
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Table of Contents
GENERAL RULES................................ 3
Range Fees.................................................... 4
Reporting Damage and Safety Issues......... 4
Shooting with Others.................................... 4
Firearms in the Clubhouse/Classroom........ 5
Firearm Policy .............................................. 5
Restricted Range Access/Activities.............. 5
Blue Barrel Policy.......................................... 5
Bullet Impact Zone ....................................... 8
Range Markers.............................................. 8
Sighting In...................................................... 9
Action Bays Steel Target Restrictions:........ 9
Indoor Range Restrictions: ......................... 9
INDOOR PISTOL RANGE................. 11
Low Light ................................................... 12
ARCHERY RANGE RULES............... 12
Crossbow ..................................................... 13
Range A – Pistol - 50 Yard.................... 14
Range B - Plate Rack ........................... 15
Action Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun Ranges
( Range C – House, Range D - Wall
Range E – Smoke & Hope
Range F – Baby Bay
Range G – Lake Bay )............................ 15
Range H - Multi-Purpose – 25 Yards... 17
Range I – Rifle – 50 & 100 Yards ........ 17
Range J – Silhouette (4 different shooting distances)
40, 50, 75, 100 Meter. 18 Range Map.. 19
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The Pioneer Sportsmen Inc. (“PSI”) Board of Directors (“BOD”) believes that safety is the most important goal of the shooting sports. Therefore, these rules must be strictly enforced in order to maintain the high level of safety, which this club must maintain, in order to survive, promote, and further the shooting sports.
If you have any questions regarding the range rules, please contact the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) and/or his staff of Assistant RSO's at the following email address: psisafety@pioneersportsmen.org.
IMPORTANT NOTE: We have residential neighbors: No shooting firearms outdoors before 8:00 AM or after sunset! Use NHF&G law book or your personal device to determine sunset times.
1. All members must swipe their card at any one of the four strike points every time they are on club property. Members with guests/associates must also sign in and out of the logbook with their key ID number, names of guests/associates, range fees paid, and envelope number.
Each guest or associate member must pay a range fee at the clubhouse or the archery building, only once each day.
Range Fees are listed in the General Rules Section.
a. Members must have direct supervision over their guests and associates.
b. Guest Limitations:
i. Members are limited to having a maximum of five (5) guests and/or associate members signed in at one time.
ii. Members must be in direct supervision of each guest as they are shooting and only one person in the group may shoot at a time.
iii. Members with PRAC R2 certification may allow up to three (3) guests to shoot simultaneously while under their direct supervision.
iv. Archery guests are allowed to shoot simultaneously under the direct supervision of a member.
c. Members will ensure guests follow all club rules and regulations.
d. Members whose guests violate any rules or regulations are subject to disciplinary action by the BOD, which could result in the loss of membership with no
refund of club dues.
2. All members must have their current membership cards in their possession when on club property.
3. Any member using the range in an unsafe manner or destroying club property will be subject to disciplinary action by the BOD up to and including expulsion.
4. No alcoholic beverages or drugs, specifically illegal drugs, prescription and over the counter drugs that impede awareness. PSI has a Zero tolerance for the
use and consumption of Drugs or Alcohol. If you are found shooting after consuming alcohol or drugs, your membership will be revoked without a refund.
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5. Range availability is subject to scheduled events. Check the message board inside the clubhouse and the website before driving or walking to the ranges.
During events, some or all ranges may be closed. Set up and preparation for certain events may close the ranges prior to that event.
6. All Rules and Regulations are subject to the discretion of the BOD. Some rules are subject to modifications during certain approved events.
7. All members are responsible for immediately correcting any unsafe conditions.
8. Minimum age to use gun ranges - 9 years old with a club member present supervising.
9. Ages 9 - 12 years old are restricted to .22 Rim Fire or Air Gun ONLY 10. Ages 13+ can use center fire.
11. Age Limitations are superseded by sanctioned event rules
12. These rules and regulations will be posted on the bulletin board in the clubhouse and on the PSI website.
Range Fees
Annual Member
No Range Fee
Life Members
No Range Fee
Associate Members $2.00
Guest $10.00
Guest with Club approved Certified Instructor $10.00
1. Associate Members are defined as spouses or dependents living with annual or life members up to and including the age of 21.
2. Guests are defined as all other individuals accompanying the Annual/Life Member.
Range fees will be placed in the provided envelope and deposited in the clubhouse or the archery building.
Reporting Damage and Safety Issues
All damage and/or safety issues must be reported to the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) and/or his staff of Assistant RSO's, by phone and/or email as soon as possible. Include photos of any damage and send to: CRSO@pioneersportsmen.org
Shooting with Others
General guidelines when shooting with others:
• Be courteous and share the range.
• WAIT for the range to be Cleared and deemed SAFE before going downrange
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• ONE PERSON should act as the safety officer
• ANYONE CAN CALL A CEASEFIRE if a danger is seen.
• 30 Minute Rule:
While shooting forward of the standard firing line is permissible, if others desire to shoot on the same range, please establish a common firing line within 30 min to allow the others to shoot with you or vacate the firing line and allow the others to use the range.
Firearms in the Clubhouse/Classroom
Only NRA Certified instructors (Approved by BOD) may handle firearms (Or students under direct Instructor supervision for instruction or disassembly and cleaning) in the classroom after determining there is no ammunition in the classroom. The firearms must have the action locked open or an empty chamber indicator inserted when not being handled.
Firearm Policy
• If you are coming to the range and you have a concealed carry firearm there’s no need to unload it. For example, if you are coming to the range to shoot your rifle, not in an organized event, and you have a concealed carry loaded holstered pistol there is no need to unload your pistol.
• For matches, loaded or unloaded firearms are at the discretion of the Match Director/Discipline Chair. For example, IDPA, USPSA, & Steel Challenge matches have always had the rule that if you come to the club with a loaded firearm, it must be unloaded prior to proceeding to the ranges.
Any un-bagging of a firearm will take place at the following: on the firing line, at a shooting bench or safety table, or any area specified for this purpose. All unbagged firearms will be holstered, or have their actions open, or have an Empty Chamber Indicator (ECI) inserted when not being handled.
Restricted Range Access/Activities
A Restricted Access Policy has been adopted by PSI in 2013. Specific policies for gaining access to the Restricted Range Access List and the specific protocols regarding Restricted Range Access can be found on the PSI web site or the Policy and Procedure Document.
Any range may become restricted and fall under the guidelines of the Restricted Range Access Policy under the following conditions:
• Steel targets are set up (Even if they are covered with a bag or tarp)
• IDPA/USPSA props are set up. Props include but are not limited to Steel Poppers, Automobiles, Swinging Targets, Bear Trap Targets, and special barricades…
Blue Barrel Policy
Blue barrels can be used for barriers, walls etc. for IDPA/USPSA Discipline events only. They will be secured after each event to prevent use during non-event times.
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General Range Rules:
1. Always keep the muzzle (and bow) pointed in a safe direction at all times.
2. Always keep your finger off of the trigger until the sights are on the target.
3. Always keep the action open and unloaded until ready to shoot.
4. Know your firearm and ammunition.
5. Carry only one caliber/gauge of ammunition at a time.
6. Be sure of your target and what is beyond.
7. Know where others are at all times.
8. Hearing and eye protection are mandatory on all shooting ranges.
9. Know and obey all range commands.
10. Don’t mix alcohol or drugs with shooting.
11. Remember: Treat every gun as a loaded gun.
12. No hip shooting and no un-aimed fire. Sighted fire only on all ranges.
13. It is not permissible to carry firearms on the ranges or club property without complying with the following requirements.
Handguns must be either:
• Holstered
• Cased, unloaded, and magazine removed
Long guns must be either:
• Cased, unloaded, and magazine removed
• Slung muzzle down, unloaded, magazine removed, and ECI inserted
• Carried muzzle pointed straight up, unloaded, magazine removed, and ECI inserted
14. Firearms will not be pointed higher than parallel to the ground while you are in the act of shooting at your target. For example, you may not begin your shooting routine by pointing your firearm skywards and then pointing it down to the target. No muzzle up unloading/reloading (except revolvers, muzzle loading firearms and certain type rifles/carbines with tubular magazines).
15. Firing line must never be up range of the red markers of any range.
16. Obey instantly all range commands. Stop shooting immediately upon command “Cease Firing” or other commands to end firing and follow directions from
whoever is in charge: An RSO, if present, will take control in solving the situation. If no RSO is present, the person who called the cease fire will take
control or submit control to another person who can handle the situation.
17. Before handling any firearms, make sure that no one is downrange. The firing line MUST BE SAFE before anyone goes downrange. Firearms must be unloaded, magazines removed, and cased or on a bench facing downrange with either:
• the action locked open
• an empty chamber indicator inserted
• placed into a shooting bag.
Holstered handguns will be considered safe.
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18. Use paper/cardboard targets and swingers only. Bring targets with you. Pioneer Sportsmen Inc. does not supply targets. No bowling pins, golf balls, bottles, cans, exploding targets, flipping or spinning targets, etc. Exceptions may be granted by the BOD for organized events.
19. Clay targets can only be shot using birdshot, and only on the Multi-Purpose & Lake Bays. They must be in commercially made clay target holders and cannot be placed on the berms to shoot.
20. All barricades should be made from wood strapping and thin plywood, cardboard, snow fence, or corrugated plastic sheeting. No plastic or metal barrels are to be used as barricades, except during IDPA or USPSA discipline sanctioned events.
21. In a Course of Fire (CoF) where the shooter starts in a position that has them facing up-range (facing the crowd), turning on signal and drawing their firearm; the shooter shall ALWAYS turn into their holster side, and not draw until completely facing downrange!
22. No shooting at thrown targets on club property.
23. Fully Automatic firing is banned from Pioneer Sportsmen Inc. property. This includes trigger actuators, which cause a semi auto to function in a full auto manner, and bump stocks.
24. Shooting from a moving vehicle is banned on Pioneer Sportsmen Inc. property. There will be absolutely no exceptions to this rule. Any range where
vehicle is used as a prop becomes a RESTRICTED RANGE.
25. Shooting at wildlife on Pioneer Sportsmen Inc. property is prohibited.
26. No incendiary, tracer, armor piercing or explosive rounds, exploding
targets, or fireworks allowed on club property.
27. No walking or standing on any berms. No placing target frames, sticks etc. into a berm.
28. Keep ranges clean. Pick up and throw away your targets when finished shooting. If the trash barrels are overflowing, empty them in the available dumpsters at the clubhouse and/or on the midway.
29. Air Pistols and air rifles may be used on the Indoor range, Outdoor 25-yard Multi-Purpose Range, The Outdoor 50-yard pistol range, Rifle Range, and Silhouette Range. Air rifles and air pistols are not firearms but when using air rifles and air pistols all firearm safety rules apply.
30. All shooting and target placement must comply with the range marker guidelines listed below.
31. 180 Rule – When facing downrange the muzzle must always be pointed no further than 90 degrees left or right. This forms a line that is parallel to the downrange berm. The muzzle must never extend past that line.
32. If shooting a shotgun, pick up shell casings when done.
33. No Force on Force training, including but not limited to grappling, martial arts, ambushes…
34. Prohibited on all PSI ranges are 50 BMG or similar ballistics.
35. Pets on Club property – No pets in the clubhouse, indoor range or archery building. Pets can be in the parking area and on all outdoor
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firearm/archery ranges but must be on a leash and under control of a human at all times or tied to a stationary object on a short leash if the human/owner is shooting.
36. When using tables, benches, shooting props, etc. on any range, they must be returned back behind the red markers when finished utilizing them.
37. During the winter months, the outdoor ranges will generally be open and the range road plowed. The CRSO may close any of the ranges or range road for
safety reasons. Any closures will be placed on the website and signage will be placed on the front door of the clubhouse.
38. Holsters that point the muzzle of the firearm to the ground are the only ones that are to be used. Shoulder holsters, for example, are not allowed due to the safety issue of muzzle direction. Furthermore, inside-the waistband appendix carry holsters are forbidden during competition that requires a cover garment.
Bullet Impact Zone
Be sure of your backstop at all times. All bullets MUST impact the proper (safe) impact area of the berm. The proper (safe) impact area (hereinafter referred to as the impact area) is 2 feet up from the base up to 5 feet high on the rear most berm.
The only exceptions to this rule are:
• Bullseye - When shooting or practicing Bullseye on the 50 Yard outdoor Pistol Range. In this case you must use the Bullseye target stands and be active in Bullseye shooting.
• Action Shooting – Targets can be placed in accordance with acceptable IDPA/USPSA/Steel Challenge rules, but care must be taken to ensure that all bullets impact the berms downrange of the Yellow topped markers on the Action Ranges and Multipurpose range.
• Silhouette – When practicing on the Silhouette range be sure the bullet and trajectory are such that the bullet impacts the smaller berms just behind the target areas.
Targets placed such that bullets fired miss the impact zone or backstop will be brought before the BOD for disciplinary action and risk loss of membership with no refund.
Range Markers
All action bays and the Multi-Purpose range have a set of RED topped posts and YELLOW topped posts.
1. These posts define two lines, a YELLOW and a RED
2. The YELLOW line shows the rear most point a target may be placed on the range when doing “action pistol shooting”. (See bullet impact zone)
3. The RED Line defines the rearmost point where a shooter may fire from on that range.
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Sighting In
When sighting in a firearm, and you are not quite sure of the point of impact, you should move as close to the target as practical for the firearm and ammunition you are using. This should not be any closer than 7 yards for safety. Make sure you’re on the paper, and more importantly, that the projectile impacts into the backstop or the bullet impact zone of the berm.
Once you are confident of the accuracy of the firearm and yourself, gradually increase the distance between the target and the firing line making sure that the projectile impacts into the backstop or the bullet impact zone of the berm.
Action Bays Steel Target Restrictions:
All ammunition used in competition must be safe, serviceable and appropriate for the firearm being used.
• Center fire rifle cartridges
• Black Powder or Substitutes
• Shotguns or Shotgun shells
• Full Auto fire
• Shot shells of any caliber including 22 rimfire
• Armor piercing or Tracers
• Steel Core, Tungsten or bullets with similar hardened cores
• Magnum loaded ammunition (Factory or hand loaded)
• .17 Caliber of any type
• Minimum cartridge for centerfire competitions (38 Special 9X19).
• Rimfire ammunition must be .22 standard or high velocity only. No powderless cases.
• No multiple-projectile or magnum loads allowed.
• Any ammunition deemed unsafe or likely to damage the targets will be removed from use
• Certain BOD approved events/matches may allow the use of shotguns or shot shells on steel targets.
Indoor Range Restrictions:
• Center fire rifle cartridges
• Black Powder or Substitutes
• Shotguns or Shotgun shells
• Full Auto fire
• Shot shells of any caliber including 22 rimfire
• Armor piercing or Tracers
• Steel Core, Tungsten or bullets with similar hardened cores
• Magnum loaded ammunition (Factory or hand loaded)
• .17 Caliber of any type
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• No +P or +P+,
• Lead or Jacketed ammunition must be rated under 1200 FPS
• Frangible/Sintered ammo over 1200 FPS may be used
DO NOT SHOOT - If you are unsure of your firearm or ammunition compliance with these rules. Contact the Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) and/or his staff of Assistant RSO's with any questions at the following email address: psisafety@pioneersportsmen.org.
Emergency Procedure
Anyone observing or involved in an accident or injury will notify the CRSO or PSI Officer or Director as soon as possible. If it is a life-threatening situation, immediately call 911 and say there was an accidental discharge. Be prepared to give your name, location and extent of any injuries. Each observer and accident victim will submit a report to the CRSO concerning what happened, location(s) of the incident, time, and who was involved (obtain names, addresses, and phone numbers).
Members should comply with the following:
1. Safety briefing should be held prior to the start of any event.
2. All range users including associate members and guests should know the locations of first aid kits, AED, Men/Women facilities.
3. It is suggested that everyone that uses our ranges have a first aid kit.
4. Organized events should follow the PSI first aid and AED policy found on the web site and the Policy and Procedure document.
5. A phone is available in the clubhouse next to the guest fee collection box that may be used for emergency purposes.
In the event of an emergency, take charge of the situation.
• Render Aid
• Call for Help 9-1-1 and say there was a “training accident”
o Note: There is a phone in the clubhouse that is located near the guest range fee collection box.
• Direct help to location and specify which range
o Use the name indicated on range signs
o Enlist others to help with directions and guide emergency services
• Take reports (Who-What-Where-When-How–Why)
• After the event, please notify and provide the requested information to the Range Safety Officer or any member of the BOD
If dialing 911 you will be asked to provide the following information: • Address to dispatch services to:
21 Farrington Road
Dunbarton, NH
• Range where the incident occurred
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• Type of incident (Please don’t say a gunshot or shooting!)
o Training accident
o Heart Attack
o Trouble breathing
• Patient Condition and Awareness
1. Inspect indoor range for damage and any unsafe condition before use. Report any damage or unsafe conditions to CRSO@pioneersportsmen.org
2. Bullet Strikes into the ceiling, walls, floor or benches, must be reported immediately as outlined in the general rules.
3. Refer to the ammunition restrictions as outlined in the general range rules.
4. Keep the muzzle pointed downrange at all times.
5. Uncase firearms with muzzle pointed downrange.
6. The firing line MUST be safe before anyone goes downrange. Firearms must be unloaded and placed on bench facing downrange, magazines removed, and either:
• actions locked open
• empty chamber indicator inserted
• placed into a shooting bag.
Holstered handguns will also be considered safe.
Do not handle or touch any firearms when someone is downrange!
7. No magnums allowed (including 22 magnum).
8. .22 rimfire only on positions 1 & 8.
9. Range door must be kept closed at all times.
10. Air blowers must be on when shooting (except air guns).
11. Pick up your brass before leaving the range.
12. Indoor range may be used 24 hrs. a day every day. The only exceptions are when events are posted on the web site calendar.
13. No shooting closer than 7 yds from the backstop. While IDPA/USPSA target stands and posts may be used on the Indoor range, shooters should square up
to the shooting lanes when placing targets. The appropriate angle of impact on the backstop should be between the 2 feet and 5 feet. No target should be
placed up range from the 7yd range line except for air pistol or air rifle.
14. Shooters sharing the range will shoot from a common firing line.
15.The firing line for all shooters must be no closer than the 7yd line and no further than the 50ft line.
You are encouraged to move the tables to the established firing line.
16. Shooters must share the range. While it is permissible to shoot from forward of the established firing line, if others wish to use the same range then you
must move back to a mutually agreed firing line within a reasonable time period (30 minutes).
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17. Indoor range is accessed with a key card. Only members, their associates and guests may access this range with a valid key card. Key cards may be obtained from the Vice President or his designee.
Low Light
Low Light is a restricted access activity and subject to the Restricted Access policy of PSI as documented on the web site and the Policy and Procedure document. Those approved to perform Low Light practice will post a “Low Light Shooting Practice in Progress” sign on the exterior of the main clubhouse door as well as on the entry to the Indoor Range. Low Light does not mean no light. There must be enough ambient light present for the shooter's hands and firearm to be observed at all times.
Reactive targets can only be used by R1 & R2’s (restricted access certified), IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge, & Crew556 on the indoor range. The Newbold targets are the only brand of reactive targets that can be used on the indoor range.
1. Shoot only at club approved targets, attached to a backstop.
2. No shooting on the outdoor archery ranges later than one half hour after sunset
3. Field points only on club backstops NO BROAD HEADS.
4. Adult members are responsible for guests and or children (under age of 18) while on club grounds.
5. Shoot from authorized positions only.
6. Over bowed archers or individuals who sky their bows (Pointing towards the sky to draw back) are prohibited.
7. All equipment must be in good repair (i.e.: no cracked limbs or bent arrows)
8. No one should be in front of the firing line.
9. Arrows should be nocked to string only when ready to shoot.
10. When searching for lost arrows, station one shooter in front of the target before proceeding behind it, or lean bow in front of the target if alone on range.
11. After you are done shooting, wait for the word: CLEAR from the Range Officer or his designee before going toward the targets to retrieve your arrows.
12. Only a loaded bow should be drawn only at the firing line. ( e.g. no dry firing )
13. If an arrow or any equipment is dropped in front of the shooting line while shooting is in progress, it can only be retrieved after shooting has stopped and the
line has been called “Clear”.
14. WALK! Don't run toward the targets. Remember that the arrows are sticking out and can injure you.
15. When pulling arrows out of a target, stand to one side and ensure that no one is directly behind you.
16. On Field Archery or 3-D courses, be sure to stay on the marked path and travel only in the direction in which the targets are laid out while shooting is
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in progress. Going backwards on the trail or across an unmarked area could place you in the path of a flying arrow, resulting in serious injury.
17. If archers will be shooting concurrently at varying distances, stagger the targets, not the people. Have one shooting line and stay behind it.
18. When carrying arrows, always cover points with your hand, holding them to the side and walk.
19. If any person or animal (i.e. dog) enters the safety zone while shooting is in progress, the emergency command “Cease Firing” and follow directions from whomever is in charge and all shooting must stop immediately. Even if the bow is held at full draw and the signal is given, the arrow must not be released. The bow should be pointed at the ground and the bowstring let slowly forward. The arrow should be removed from the bow until the range is clear.
20. Obey instantly all range commands. The Range Officer will control and enforce safety regulations on all ranges.
21. During certain times of the year the Tree Stand Lane will be designated as the Broad head Range. Those times will be discussed at the general meetings and posted. Broad heads WILL NOT be shot in any other area of the club, including indoors.
22. Position of the targets and archers will be such that arrows will not leave club property.
23. Use paper/cardboard/foam targets. Bring targets with you. Pioneer Sportsmen Inc. does not supply targets.
24. Keep ranges clean. Sweep the floor, pick up and throw away your targets when finished shooting. If the trash barrel is full, empty it into the dumpster at the clubhouse.
25. These rules will be posted in the Archery building. Members are expected to know and obey all range rules, including the general rules, which will be posted in the clubhouse.
1. Crossbows are prohibited on the indoor range. They can only be shot on the outdoor ranges.
2. Always point your Crossbow in a safe direction.
3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot. Do not carry your crossbow with your finger around the trigger.
4. Always keep your Crossbow unloaded until you are on the firing line and ready to shoot.
5. Crossbows should only be cocked while on the firing line, the range is clear, and all persons are behind the firing line.
6. You should always look closely at your arrows prior to seating them. You want to check for any signs of wear or damage to the nock as well as splintering or bent arrows and throw any away that aren’t in top shape. Likewise, you should inspect all parts of your crossbow prior to shooting at every session. Never shoot damaged bolts or with a damaged bow.
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7. Regardless of whether or not the crossbow is cocked, never point your crossbow at anything other than an authorized target and always keep the safety engaged until you are ready to shoot.
8. As soon as the crossbow string is latched in place while you are cocking it, turn the safety ON before you lift the crossbow from the ground to minimize the chance of an accidental dry fire.
9. Ensure that the cocked crossbow is pointed only at a safe target area at all times.
10. Before leaving the firing line your crossbow must be un-cocked and rendered safe.
Unload the Crossbow
By far the easiest way to unload a loaded crossbow is to fire the bolt into a target. This should be done with a field tip or blunt point, not a broad head. However, your crossbow can be unloaded manually if desired. For manual de-cocking information refer to the owner’s manual and follow the manufacturer’s recommended safe operating instructions.
Range A – Pistol - 50 Yard
1. Before shooting, make absolutely certain that nobody is downrange.
2. No shooting before 8:00 AM or after sunset.
3. No shotguns allowed on this range.
4. No rifles larger than .22 rimfire.
5. This is the only range where targets may be placed forward of the yellow stakes at the 25-yard position (First set of cables and telephone poles) only during a bullseye match and bullseye practice.
6. Targets are to be placed directly in front of the berms at all times. Targets shall be placed so that bullets will impact into the impact area of the berm. Do not place targets on top of the berm or between the berm and firing line. Targets should not be placed directly on the rail as this will damage the rail. Anyone caught setting targets in a manner that causes bullets to ricochet will be brought before the BOD for disciplinary action and risk loss of membership. (no refund) NOTE: Refer to the definition of the “Bullet Impact Zone” in the general rules.
7. When shooting less than 50 yards all targets are placed at the bullet impact zone of the berm. The shooter can then establish a firing line where desired closer than 50 yards.
8. No shooting from behind the 50-yard line.
9. All other general range rules pertain to this range.
10. Please clean up the range when you are done shooting. Pick up your targets and any other trash on the range. This is every member’s responsibility.
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Range B - Plate Rack
1. No shooting before 8:00 AM or after sunset.
2. Please refer to the ammunition restrictions as outlined in the Action bays steel target restrictions while shooting steel targets.
3. No shooting from less than 30 feet
4. Only Straight wall Pistol cartridges allowed NO MAGNUMS
5. No Shotgun or Rifle calibers allowed on this range.
6. Only one shooter at a time is allowed to shoot the plate rack. All shooters must shoot from the same firing line. Shooters must share the range.
7. Members are expected to know and obey all range rules, including the general rules, which will be available in the clubhouse.
8. All other general range rules pertain to this range.
9. Please clean up the range when you are done shooting. Pick up your trash and any other trash on the range. This is every member’s responsibility.
Action Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun Ranges (Range C – House, Range D - Wall, Range E – Smoke & Hope, Range F – Baby Bay, Range G – Lake Bay)
1. The hours of permissible shooting are 8:00 am to Sunset.
2. Please refer to the ammunition restrictions in the general range rules if steel targets are on the range.
3. There are multiple clearly marked Safety Area tables on the Action Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun ranges. Shooters, who need to “gear up” prior to participating at a practical shooting event, or to practice those activities, should make use of these designated Safety Areas. Shooters are reminded that NO AMMUNITION IS TO BE HANDLED while you are using these Safety Areas.
4. There are also several permanent tables (with blue barrel pedestals) on the Action Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun ranges. These tables are there for the placement of equipment (such as range bags) ONLY. It is not safe to handle firearms at these tables while others are downrange.
5. There are also several large moveable wooden tables on the Action Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun ranges. Please note: Due to the fact that these tables are moveable, they may not always be properly positioned to allow for safe gun handling on that particular range. Please reposition them if necessary. Also, when using these tables, please have all participants stand on the range side of the table (so everyone is facing the downrange berm.) It is not safe to have people facing each other while handling firearms at these or any other table.
6. The Action Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun ranges have been designed to accommodate IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge and other practical shooting events.
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a. The WALL and HOUSE ranges are restricted to those members who have taken the PRAC. Additionally, ranges where Steel Challenge targets or props for upcoming events are present will also be restricted until they are removed from the range after the event.
b. Members wishing to pursue the use of the restricted ranges should register online on the club website to take the PRAC.
7. Pistols, rifles, and shotguns may be used on these ranges. (Those using shotguns must make sure that all shots or slugs impact into the berm. The use of thrown targets is prohibited.) The use of 50 BMG or calibers of similar ballistics are NOT permitted on PSI property.
8. Clay targets can only be shot using birdshot on Lake Bay or Multi-purpose bays, and only with commercially made target holders. Do not place clay targets directly on the berms.
9. All other general range rules pertain to these ranges.
10. Target Placement and Approved Targets
a. Targets will be placed in such a manner that all projectiles safely impact into the berms, poppers, or Steel Challenge targets. (No targets may be placed up range of the YELLOW tipped stakes on each side of the range.)
b. Paper targets are to be placed in a target stand so that projectiles will strike the proper impact area of the berm, (which is between 2-5 feet from the bottom of the berm). Practical shooters are reminded that a Course of Fire with targets of varying heights will result in projectile
impacts of potentially dramatic differences, based on the placement of the targets, the stature of the shooter, or the shooting position.
(standing, kneeling, or prone). Anyone caught setting targets in a manner that causes projectiles to ricochet or leave the range, will be brought before the BOD for disciplinary action and risk loss of
membership. (No refund.)
c. Use only club-approved targets (paper or cardboard). No bowling pins, golf balls, bottles, cans, steel targets, propane tanks, exploding targets, etc. Exceptions may be granted by the BOD for organized events.
11. Please clean up the range when you’re done shooting. Pick up your targets and any other trash on the ranges. This is every member’s responsibility.
Adopted April 20, 2015
Updated March 2022 PSI Range Rules Page 17 of 19
Range H - Multi-Purpose – 25 Yards
1. No shooting before 8:00 AM or after sunset.
2. Rifles are allowed on this range.
3. Shotguns are allowed on this range (No shooting at thrown targets. Shot or slugs must impact into berm in a safe manner.)
4. Targets are to be placed directly in front of the berms at all times. Targets shall be placed so that bullets will impact into the impact area of the berm. Do not place targets on top of the berm. Anyone caught setting targets in a manner that causes bullets to ricochet will be brought before the BOD for disciplinary action and risk loss of membership with no refund. NOTE: Refer to the definition of the “Bullet Impact Zone” in the general rules.
5. Refer to Range Marker rules.
6. Members are expected to know and obey all range rules, including the general rules, which will be available in the clubhouse.
7. Clay targets can be shot on this range using birdshot in commercially made clay target holders. Do not place clay targets directly on the berms.
8. Please clean up the range when you’re done shooting. Pick up your targets and any other trash on the ranges. This is every member’s responsibility.
9. All other general range rules pertain to the range.
Range I – Rifle – 50 & 100 Yards
1. Before handling firearms, make absolutely certain that nobody is downrange.
2. No shooting before 8:00 AM or after sunset.
3. Shoot at the main 100yd and 50yd berms only. Be sure of your backstop at all times.
4. Targets are to be placed directly in front of the berms at all times. Targets shall be placed in the target rail so that bullets will impact into the impact area of the berm. Do not place targets on top of the berm or between the berm and firing line. Targets should not be placed directly on the rail, as this will damage the rail. Anyone caught setting targets in a manner that causes bullets to ricochet will be brought before the BOD for disciplinary action and risk loss of membership with no refund. NOTE: Refer to the definition of the “Bullet Impact Zone” in the general rules.
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5. Shooting from the covered firing line offers only two choices of shooting distance: 50yds or 100yds. Anyone looking to shoot a different distance should place the target in the target rail of the berm and walk back to the desired distance and establish a new firing line.
6. There is no shooting from behind the covered shooting area of the rifle range.
7. Do not move tables from the 100-yard firing line.
8. Rifles, pistols, and shotgun (slugs only) permitted. Use of 50 BMG or rifles with similar ballistics are prohibited. No exceptions.
9. Clean up the range when you are done. Pick up your targets and any other trash on the ranges. This is every member's responsibility.
10. Steel targets can be shot on the rifle range by all members in good standing. PSI will provide an AR500 IPSC Torso 5/8” target which will be permanently placed in the center of the structure. Members can bring their own targets, which must be compatible for the type of rounds they will be shooting. The targets must actually be targets, no steel wheels, brake rotors or the like. The targets must be set well within the lean-to structure on the left side of the 100-yard target rails. All steel targets must be shot within the structure. Minimum distance for shooting steel on the rifle range is 50 yards. All other rules specific to the riled range remain in place.
Range J – Silhouette (4 different shooting distances) – 40, 50, 75, 100 Meter
1. No shooting before 8:00 AM or after sunset.
2. The silhouette range is divided into 4 different shooting distances. When practicing, attach paper targets between the steel rails so the center of the target is centered between the two steel rails, this will prevent damage to the steel rails. Be sure the bullet and trajectory are such that the bullet impacts the smaller berms just behind the target area.
3. .22 and approved straight wall center fired pistol cartridges only may be fired on the Silhouette Range (No "MAGNUM"). No shotguns
4. Do not move tables or barrels (other than trash barrels) on the Silhouette Range.
5. Clean up the range when you are done. Pick up your targets and any other trash on the ranges. This is every member's responsibility.
6. When changing position on the firing line firearms must be held muzzle up.
Adopted April 20, 2015
Updated March 2022 PSI Range Rules Page 19 of 19
Download a copy of these Range Rules here: Range Rules